EZC Pak Creator Quoted in Prevention Magazine

EZC Pak Creator Quoted in Prevention Magazine

Article: 12 Worst Pieces Of Medical Advice That Women Get

"I often observe women being prescribed antibiotics for presumed urinary tract infections inappropriately. There are a number of non-infectious conditions, including interstitial cystitis, that can mimic the symptoms experienced during a UTI that don't require an antibiotic. The most recent CDC data states that over a third of antibiotics written in the outpatient setting are not necessary—and doctors cite patient expectation as the top reason. Unfortunately, this inappropriate practice is fueling the growing antibiotic crisis that we're facing. If you or your doctor suspects a UTI, it's important to get a urine culture to ensure the diagnosis and develop a safe and appropriate treatment."
Sarath Malepati, MD, a California-based physician and medical director of the PPC Group, a health product design team; creator of The EZC Pak


Click here for the Full Article on Prevention.com "12 Worst Pieces Of Medical Advice That Women Get"


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