Featured Wellness Ambassador - Actress, Photographer, and Fitness Trainer

Featured Wellness Ambassador - Actress, Photographer, and Fitness Trainer

We would like to recognize another bright and talented individual who also carries the mission to create a better world. She is a caring, compassionate human being who helps motivate, teach, and coach people to live healthy lives. Actively involved in the community, she does not hesitate to lend a helping hand. She is one of the most genuine, kindhearted people you will ever get to meet!

Today, we'd like to recognize.....CHELSEA VINCENT!

Chelsea grew up between Houston and London and has been teaching fitness for nearly a decade. Chelsea has a BFA from Carnegie Mellon University in Acting, and she works as a voice over actress and photographer in Los Angeles. Chelsea is a certified Power Yoga instructor, Spinning instructor, Barre instructor, and Weightlifting Instructor, as well as an ACE-certified Personal Trainer and Wellness Specialist. Chelsea holds a diploma in Sports Nutrition from Shaw Academy. 


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