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What Is It: Cold or Seasonal Allergies

What Is It: Cold or Seasonal Allergies

Understand the differences between the common cold and seasonal allergies and how to properly manage each.
Man flu could be real: men may have compromised immune systems putting them at higher risk of illness.

FAQs: The “Man Flu”

What the "Man Flu" really means: men might be more susceptible to the flu and other illnesses due to weakened immune systems.
Experts expect a widespread, rough flu season this year.

Get Prepared For This Year’s Serious Flu

Early occurrences suggest that this flu season could be a rough one. Learn about what's worrying experts and what you can do to boost your own immunity.
December Tips to Stay Healthy and Active

December Tips to Stay Healthy and Active

In this article, we’ll help you identify four simple ways to stay healthy and active despite shorter days, grueling travel, and all of that fruitcake.
Prevent Infection with Sleep, Rest, and Relaxation.

Four Ways to Prevent Infection

Learn more about how to prevent infections with vitamin C, zinc, good hand-washing habits, and a restful night's sleep.